Testament es una banda de Thrash Metal formado en 1982 en San Francisco, EEUU. Aunque en 1982 se llamaban "The Legacy", no fue hasta en 1986 que decidieron cambiar su nombre a "Testament", y en 1987 sacan su primer disco: "The Legacy" con potentes riffs que los llevo a la gloria haciendo un tour por America y Europa. Cuando regresaron de la gira grabaron "The New Order" en 1988, y al año sacaron el album mas popular de la banda "Practice What You Preach", que los llevo a tocar junto a Slayer y Megadeth en el "Clash of Titans". En la decada de los 90 sacaron tambien muy buenos discos, pero su popularidad sucumbió por la movida grunge pero en el 2001 sacan otro disco "First Strike Still Deadlly" que trata de canciones regrabadas de sus dos primeros albumes, una cancion de single y canciones extras. Su ultimo es "The Formation of Damnation" sacado en el 2008. Bueno aqui les dejo los albumes de estudio que sacaron desde 1987. Espero que agradezcan XD.
The Legacy (1987)

1. Over The Wall
2. The Haunting
3. Burnt Offerings
4. Raging Waters
5. C.O.T.L.O.D.
6. First Strike Is Deadly
7. Do Or Die
8. Alone In The Dark
9. Apocalyptic City
Descargar "The Legacy"
The New Order (1988)

1 .Eerie Inhabitants
2 .The New Order
3 .Trial By Fire
4 .Into The Pit
5 .Hypnosis
6 .Disciples Of The Watch
7 .The Preacher
8 .Nobody's Fault
9 .A Day Of Reckoning
10 .Musical Death (A Dirge)
Descargar "The New Order"
Practice What You Preach (1989)

1 .Practice What You Preach
2 .Perilious Nation
3 .Envy Life
4 .Time Is Coming
5 .Blessed In Contempt
6 .Greenhouse Effect
7 .Sins Of Omission
8 .The Ballad
9 .Nightmare (Coming Back To You)
10 .Confusion Fusion
Descargar "Practice What You Preach"
Souls of Black (1990)

1. Beginning Of The End
2. Face In The Sky
3. Falling Fast
4. Souls Of Black
5. Absence Of Light
6. Love To Hate
7. Malpractice
8. One Man's Fate
9. The Legacy
10. Seven Days Of May
Descargar "Souls of Black"
The Ritual (1992)

1. Signs Of Chaos
2. Electric Crown
3. So Many Lies
4. Let Go Of My World
5. The Ritual
6. Deadline
7. As The Seasons Grey
8. Agony
9. The Sermon
10. Return To Serenity
11. Troubled Dreams
Descargar "The Ritual"

02.Legions (In Hiding)
03.Hail Mary
04.Trail of Tears
05.Shades of War
07.Dog Faced Gods
08.All I Could Bleed
10.Chasing Fear
12.Last Call (instrumental outro)
Descargar "Low"
Demonic (1997)

Demonic Refusal
1. The Burning Times
2. Together As One
3. Jun-Jun
4. John Doe
5. Murky Waters
6. Hatred's Rise
7. Distorted Lives
8. New Eyes Of Old
9. Ten Thousand Thrones
10. Nostrovia
Descargar "Demonic"
The Gathering (1999)

1. D.N.R.
2. Down For Life
3. Eyes Of Wrath
4. True Believer
5. Three Days In Darkness
6. Legions Of The Dead
7. Careful What You Wish For
8. Riding The Snake
9. legiance
10. Shut Eyes
11. Fall Of Sipledome
12. Hammer Of The Gods
Descargar "The Gathering"
First Stike Still Deadly (Compilacion) (2001)

1. First Strike Is Deadly
2. Into the Pit
3. Trial by Fire
4. Disciples of the Watch
5. The Preacher
6. Burnt Offerings
7. Over the Wall
8. The New Order
9. The Haunting
10. Alone in the Dark
11. Reign of Terror
Descargar "First Strike Still Deadly"
The Formation Of Damnation (2008)

1.For The Glory Of
2.More Than Meets The Eye
3.The Evil Has Landed
4.Formation Of Damnation
5.Dangers Of The Faithless
6.The Persecuted Won't Forget
8.Killing Season
11.Leave Me Forever
Descargar "The Formation Of Damnation"